
QS includes a very nice feature for ASP/VBScript developers. You can add ASP/VBScript anywhere in your site! This page includes 3 custom scripts:

  1. SAMPLESCRIPT1 OUTPUT (hello world-app):
    Hello World!
    Hello World!

    Hello World!

    Hello World!

    Hello World!

    Hello World!

  2. SAMPLESCRIPT3 OUTPUT (explanation):
    You can have a variable, fill it, and assign it to CustomFunction
    Like this...
    You can simply response-write anything you like... 
  3. SAMPLESCRIPT4 (see backsite) would load in your site... You really don't want to do that... But you could !!??  

The sky is the limit: you can add custom functions, forms, applications, security to all pages/items within your QuickerSite! A lot of custom scripts are included in this demo site. Be careful: you can completely crash your site, by making mistakes or including insecure scripting!

Custom Scripting > ASP/VBScripts / iframes / External Script / Custom form / Secure Script / AJAX Script

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